If you go to the herbalist or pharmacy and end up cluelessly staring at the herbal preparations without knowing what to buy…
It is because you don’t know yet what phytotherapy is.
On Herbal Wisdom Academy we will teach you everything you need to know so that you can take full advantage of the medicinal plants around you without wasting a single dollar:
People want to cure their health ailments easily and quickly.
I don’t blame them.
This globalized world takes us to extremes.
The speed of natural treatments is not measured in gigabytes.

Herbal Wisdom Academy
Discover how to use medicinal plants in a safe and natural way to improve your health
It is common for many health courses, rituals and retreats to claim that you can reach the ideal health by:

Repeating positive affirmations

Using 3 plants to put an end to all your diseases

Follow the «enter exotic name here» diet to improve any health problem in 7 days.

But guess what?
They are hoaxes for unwary people.
I’m not saying that you can’t find a diet that helps you get better but could a diet really heal any health issue in only 7 days?
That’s not going to happen.
And of course, just taking several plants a couple of times per week isn’t going to solve your health problem forever.
Neither with positive sentences, nor without them.
These approaches won’t help you.
The only thing you will lose will be those 50 bucks that you spent on buying the miracle remedy and the money that you paid for the course or to the practitioner whose advice you followed.
However, there is a sensible way how you can improve your health naturally.
Even if you don’t have much time.
It’s not a miracle cure and it’s not a «trick» that only the selected few know about which I’m going to reveal just because I’m very nice…
It’s called phytotherapy. And once you learn more about it, how you treat your health problems and how you live your life will change forever.
Relevant today, tomorrow and 20 years from now.
If you want to see how to do this, subscribe below to the Planta tu Salud herbal newsletter and get a free herbal guide as a gift.
My offer is simple, you only need to subscribe and I as a pharmacist will send you an email every week with tips on how to take care of your health in a natural way.

Discover the properties, uses and cultivation of 7 essential medicinal plants for your herbal medicine cabinet from Herbal Wisdom Academy
In our free herbal guide which you will receive as a gift when signing up, you will find out:
✔️Easiest and most effective natural methods to treat damaged skin, burns and inflammation (this method is used by many successful businesses)
✔️How to naturally treat recurring UTIs if you are struggling with this problem on a regular basis.
✔️ The secret ingredient of a million-dollar recipe, inspired by ancient spagyric medicine and how to use it in your day-to-day life to improve digestion and effortlessly fall into the arms of Morpheus every night.
One more thing…
In my free herbal guide, I have included information on how to correctly use two medicinal plants that helped one of my FARMA-Z students to get rid of recurrent urinary tract infections.
My guide doesn’t tell you how beautiful and useful these plants are, we are sure you have heard this many times before.
My guide will give you an opportunity to learn interesting facts about how you can naturally take care of your health and the wellbeing of your loved ones.
✔️Learn why is it important to pay attention to the components of the soil that you are using when growing medicinal plants (even reputable brands make this beginner mistake), what are the reasons why a large portion of your plants die and how to fix it.
✔️ Find out more about the medicinal plant that is revolutionising the research on such diseases as Parkinson’s, cognitive disorders and depression….
And why you may want to include it in your routine if you want to live over 100.
✔️My grandmother always told me to count the sheep if I want to fall asleep quicker. I won’t send you to a sheep farm, but in this guide you will find proven ways to use plants to improve your sleep quality.
And not only will you fall asleep better, you will wake up a different person.
If you are interested, subscribe today and receive the herbal guide of Herbal Wisdom Academy as a free gift:

Monday: 8 am – 4pm
Tuesday: 8 am – 4pm
Wednesday: 8 am – 4pm
Thursday: 8 am – 4pm
Friday: 8 am – 4pm
Saturday: 8 am – 4pm
Sunday: Closed
Herbal Wisdom LLC, 1309 Coffeen Avenue
STE 1200, Sheridan, 82801 Wyoming, United States
(302) 592-6369